Road 2 Tikal GuateMaya Adventure Hub for Families

  El Remate, Guatemala

  Multiple Sessions

Road 2 Tikal is your path to a captivating learning hub for families, a magical realm where history and culture come alive. Amidst the lush surroundings, families are invited to embark on a journey through the vibrant tapestry of the Mayan civilization. Immersive Experiences transform learning into an enchanting adventure. The echoes of an ancient past and the tales of jaguar kings create an atmosphere that sparks curiosity. Road 2 Tikal is not just a place; it's a shared treasure trove of knowledge, fostering a deep appreciation for the world's cultural tapestry. By unraveling the intricacies of the Mayan civilization, it weaves a connection between families and the diverse threads of global heritage.

* Location may not be exact.