The Forest School

  Fayetteville, United States

  Multiple Sessions

The Forest School Online uses learner-driven technology, Socratic discussions, hands-on projects, and real-world apprenticeships in an intentionally diverse and character-forging community. At The Forest School Online, children are trusted and empowered to be responsible for their own learning, and to use their learning to change the world. Our learner-driven community puts children at the center of their learning, allowing them to create and maintain personal goals, relational covenants, and real-world meaningful work. Learners at The Forest School Online study together in mixed-age Studios, bringing the classic one-room schoolhouse into the modern age. Young people from across the world learn to mentor and be mentored by one another. Guides are not lecturers but facilitators of student growth. Learners track their own growth on an online dashboard updated daily which parents can access at any time.

* Location may not be exact.