Luxor Worldschool Learning Hub

  Luxor, Egypt

  Open-ended / Continuous

Our 4-week workshops explore themes that embody skills that children can carry into their everyday life. Each session is immersive in nature so children can explore what it means to care for themselves and the community they belong to here in Luxor and in the wider world. ​Our sessions revolve around the core principles of respect for each other, our community members, and the planet as a whole. ​Our education space is at a new site that is 100% outdoor in nature, where children will also be given the opportunity to grow their own food and care for our rescue animals in a 1 day a week workshop led by a local charity staff member. ​Your child's learning hub fee will go towards helping fund Egyptian students to attend the learning hub to create a diverse cultural exchange for both Egyptian and International children who attend.

* Location may not be exact.