Green School Bali

  Ubud, Indonesia

  Open-ended / Continuous

Our wall-less classroom blend with the outdoor learning spaces to form a living, thriving ecosystem that wraps around our students, holds them, inspires them and nourishes them. We believe that the wellbeing of students matters more than their grades. In fact, only when our wellbeing is taken care of can we be our best. Green School was built in and around the flow and curves of nature. With gardens and jungle surrounding each campus building, wall-less classrooms. We eat nutritious, local, seasonal, sustainable, organic wherever possible and ethically produced food. We have food growing and animals thriving on our campus. Connections with animals helps build empathy in young learners and along with our productive gardens, is part of understanding where food comes from. We encourage healthy eating habits that are good for our bodies, our brains and for mother earth.

* Location may not be exact.