Worldschool Pop-Up Hub--Italy

  Florence, Italy

  Apr 1, 2023 - Apr 7, 2023

Come join us in Firenze (Florence), Italy for a fun-filled and community-centered worldschooling gathering April 1-7, 2023. Welcome to our hometown, Firenze! We want to use this worldschooling pop-up to take you around our beautiful city and let you experience it at it’s best! We will explore many sights, visit world famous museums, and taste some of our local specialties. It will be a week of fun while learning so much together! ~ Sarah & Massimiliano The Worldschool Pop-Up Hub provides super casual, budget-friendly opportunities to gather, connect with other worldschoolers, learn about the local area, instill new friendships, share your insights, and immerse in a friendly, accepting mobile community. Our activities highlight local nature, arts, history, food, and culture... but you'll also have plenty of time to relax, get to know each other, and even stray from the itinerary to add activities that cater to the group's interests. Pop in for a few days or the full week. Join as many activities as you'd like. It's up to you! Our itinerary will include activities such as the following: *Ride Piazza della Repubblica's beautiful Antique Carousel while the parents enjoy real Italian coffee! *Explore and play in the 45,000 square meter Boboli Gardens and pass through Palazzo Pitti and museum complex *Visit the Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore) and go up the Brunelleschi's Dome *Visit the Leonardo da Vinci Museum *Walk over the famous Ponte Vecchio and admire all the jewelry shops (and rub The Boar’s Nose at Il Porcellino for good luck) *Try real Gelato at the Gelateria La Carraia and have a chance to talk directly with il Gelatiere Massimo! *Explore the famous plaza of Piazzale Michelangelo, including San Miniato a Monte Church and the Rose Gardens *Have lunch at the Mercato Centrale, with a chance to try lampredotto and Trippa *Take a walk in Florence's largest park, Parco delle Cascine *Visit Piazza Santa Croce including the Santa Croce church which is the resting place of Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli, and Rossini and pay special attention to the monument dedicated to Dante Alighieri, one of the greatest poets that ever lived *Walk around Palazzo Vecchio and Piazza Signoria and after have a snack of bomboloni caldi at Bar Pasticceria Cucciolo Add-on options include - A day trip to Fiesole - The Galileo Museo where you can peek through ancient telescopes - Visit Palazzo Davanzati, one of the oldest palaces in Florence, dating back to the early part of the 14th century. It houses the Museum of the Old Florentine House. - Visit the Uffizi Gallery, this is a renowned art museum and is considered one of the most important Italian museums in the world. - Learn to make fresh pasta!

* Location may not be exact.