The Infinite Game of Life

  Multiple Locations, Global

  Sep 1, 2023 - Feb 28, 2024

In February 2024, we will take teens and parents to climb Mt Kilimanjaro, go on safari, and encounter mountain gorillas. This is a 3-week trip in partnership with the Socratic Experience online school. We have a summer bootcamp in Colorado in early August. The class begins in September and runs through April. Children must be 12+. They will train and study for months in advance to prepare with their parents. They must be able to walk ten miles in a day. The youngest person to climb Kilimanjaro is an 8-year-old girl. Kids can do this, but they must take training seriously, they should come to the Colorado high-altitude bootcamp in July, and they should not be complainers. This trip will be a TSE elective. Students will choose what aspects of Africa they want to focus on and learn, keep journals, interview local experts, take photos and videos, have discussions about what they see and hear, and put together presentations and videos. After the trip, they will create presentations, videos, and reports, which we will put on the TSE website. There will be a mandatory weekly meeting, starting in September. We are going to take this seriously. Travelers will need to start training for the hike in July. We will have a weekly session to talk about training, gear, preparation, and study for the trip.